
Rob Roy MacGregor Campbell
The '45
Extracts of Statistics from the Annexed Estates for Western Strathearn (1755-56)
The Reports of the Annexed Estates (1755-69)
A Tour of Scotland - Observations
Seismic Activity (1789)
Account of 1791-99 vol-11 - Comrie, County of Perth
Archibald MacNab (1734-1816)
Henry Dundas (1742-1811)
Sir David Baird of Seringapatam (1757-1829)
Companion and Useful Guide to the Beauties of Scotland – Sarah Murray (1799)
Roman Camp, Dalginross – October (1800)
Flash from the Caledonian Mercury – September (1814)
I've a Boat to Catch (1818)
A Picture of Strathearn - John Brown (1823)
St Fillan’s Highland Society (1827)
Letters from the Distant Past (1831 - 1859)
Comrie, St Fillans and Monivard (1837)
Statistical Account: Parish of Comrie (1838)
The Glen Lednock Census (1841)
The Queen’s Visit (1842)
The Road to Comrie (1857)
For the Sake of Nelly Fergus (1860)
From an Unknown Guidebook-circa (1892)
Comrie (1895)
Tales of Derring Do
Soldier, Soldier, won’t you marry me wi’…
The Adventures of Paddy or Highland Peter
Ghoulie Tales
A Serious Business
Mail Order Bride
The Man with the Powerful Voice
Double Entry bookkeeping
Hey, Gie’s ma Haun…or Murder Most Foul
Kate Mackenzie's Terrible Deeds
Watty and Meg Drummond
The Fencibles
Deacon Reid
Amazing Grace
The Day of the Penny Wedding
The MacArthur's were there before the Hills
The Beggar's Badge
A Pane by any other name can be a Pain!
The Powder Keg
The Coo didnae hae ony Teeth!
The Green Lady of Glen Lednock
The Queen of Tynasithe
The Great Wall of Comrie
Whisky, You're the Devil
A Wee Rumble
A Whale of a Time
An Encounter of the Third Kind
Another Debate
Bosom Pals
Getting Stoned in Comrie
Hanging about Comrie
It's Whisky in the Jar
Picking Other Folks' Brains
Porridge for Breakfast
Tarred and Buttered
The Convert
The Debate
The Schism
The Levitation
The Twa' Brithers
There’s a Hare in my Soup
Yer bum's oot the Window

18th & 19th Century

The Levitation

There was another beggar who, poor soul, had lost the power in his legs and was unable to walk and the rest of his body seemed locked. He was wheeled about in a large two-handed wheel barrow from door to door and the people who carried him would knock at the door leaving him momentarily on the door step. The person answering the door, no doubt, took pity on the poor craitur and would give him something. After the door was closed they would return and wheel him to the next door where the same procedure was enacted. They carried him from farm to farm, and village to village and all who came in contact with him would offer him some money or food or whatever was available.

One day near Crieff the party wheeling the barrow with the beggar in it were passing between two farms by way of a short cut through a field where some cows were gently grazing. Unbeknown to the party there was also a bull in the field and when it saw them it lowered its head and bellowed and started charging towards them. Self preservation took over and the carriers dropped the wheelbarrow and took to their heels running towards a dry stone dyke.

On their gallop they were overtaken by a fast running figure. He leapt over the drystone dyke ahead of them and disappeared. Once they had themselves cleared the dyke they looked back and all that could be seen was the bull pawing at the wheelbarrow which was empty and there was no sign of their passenger. The man who had passed them at some considerable speed was the beggar who never went back for the barrow and was never seen in the district again. It is really amazing what a bit of bull will do!

Aberdeen Angus Bull